Periodico ultima hora mallorca hoy

Boletín de mallorca

Durante la Segunda República, adoptaron una línea editorial más conservadora y fueron críticos con los medios de comunicación vinculados a la clase obrera[2] A pesar de ello, en sus páginas publicaron artículos de líderes socialistas como Alexandre Jaume y Gabriel Alomar i Villalonga, y celebraron la proclamación del nuevo régimen.

En 1997, el Grupo Serra decidió crear una edición digital. Un año después, lanzaron . Fueron pioneros a nivel nacional en las ediciones online de los periódicos. En 2010, su versión online tuvo un importante rediseño y se modificaron sus contenidos.

Newspaper of ibiza

The deputy spokeswoman of Unidas Podemos in the Balearic Parliament, Esperança Sans, has criticized this Monday the right-wing groups because “they will never be willing to make those who have more pay more”.

The company committee of Servicios Ferroviarios de Mallorca (SFM) has criticized the suspension of up to three train services between Palma and Manacor during this weekend, a situation they have attributed to the “lack of staff”.

The candidate for Coordinator of Podemos Balears and current national deputy in the Congress, Antonia Jover, has presented this Sunday in Menorca her list ‘Créixer’, assuring “to want the formation to be implanted in more municipalities and to establish more synergies with the Menorcan civil society”.

The Parliament will face next week the debate and the final vote for the approval of the Bill of the General Budgets of the Balearic Islands for 2022, in a plenary session that will begin on Monday at 09.00 hours and will extend until the 22nd of this same month.

The Podemos party in Palma has insisted, this Sunday, on its position, which it shares with various environmental groups, to limit the capacity of the city to one cruise ship a day and 5,000 passengers in total.


Juan Torres: “The state of the autonomies has gotten out of hand “Juan Torres, who has just published ‘Econofakes’, a book in which he denounces ten great lies of the economy, considers the four-day working day inevitable. He defends that the tourist monoculture is not good for the Balearic Islands and considers it barbaric that interest rates are going up now Pep Verger

The family musical ‘Hakuna Matata’ at the Auditorium of PalmaAdaptation of the Disney movie ‘The Lion King’, in a musical for the whole family that can be seen in the Sala Mozart of the Auditorium of Palma.

Ultima hora mallorca events today

The deputy spokeswoman of Unidas Podemos in the Balearic Parliament, Esperança Sans, has criticized this Monday the right-wing groups because “they will never be willing to make those who have more pay more”.

The company committee of Servicios Ferroviarios de Mallorca (SFM) has criticized the suspension of up to three train services between Palma and Manacor during this weekend, a situation they have attributed to the “lack of staff”.

The candidate for Coordinator of Podemos Balears and current national deputy in the Congress, Antonia Jover, has presented this Sunday in Menorca her list ‘Créixer’, assuring “to want the formation to be implanted in more municipalities and to establish more synergies with the Menorcan civil society”.

The Parliament will face next week the debate and the final vote for the approval of the Bill of the General Budgets of the Balearic Islands for 2022, in a plenary session that will begin on Monday at 09.00 hours and will extend until the 22nd of this same month.

The Podemos party in Palma has insisted, this Sunday, on its position, which it shares with various environmental groups, to limit the capacity of the city to one cruise ship a day and 5,000 passengers in total.