La verdad ultimas noticias murcia
Mazarrón news
The Region of Murcia has once again surpassed the barrier of 300 daily coronavirus infections and the incidence rate is close to 200 cases per hundred thousand inhabitants in 14 days. Intercepted a sailboat loaded with hashish in waters near Cartagena carrying nearly five tons of drugs. In the Parliament program we review the current affairs of the Regional Assembly.
We ask all those who contact us, people or social groups: “In terms of security, what do you need”. Gonzálo Álvarez, Delegate of Citizen Participation of the Murcia Police Headquarters, interviewed in Crónica Región de Murcia.
The City Council of Cartagena has approved in an extraordinary meeting, the budgets for next year, which amount to 234 million euros, and which will be provisionally approved in plenary session on December 3.
– First judgment of the High Court of Justice that forces to uproot crops in the protected area of the Mar Menor and endorses the formula of the restitution of land that includes the Law of Protection of the lagoon. The Minister of Agriculture, Antonio Luengo, has said that his department will continue to act immediately on farms, as soon as any irregularity is detected.
Murcia españa noticias
La Verdad es un diario en español con sede en Murcia, España. Es el periódico de mayor tirada de la provincia de Murcia[1] así como de la provincia de Albacete. Durante 53 años tuvo presencia en la provincia de Alicante,[2] siendo descatalogado de la Tierra de Valencia en 2017.[3]
La sede central de La Verdad se encuentra en Murcia[5][8] y el periódico presta servicio para las provincias de Murcia, Alicante y Albacete[2] y cuenta con ediciones para Murcia, Cartagena, Lorca y Albacete[2] La edición online del periódico se puso en marcha en 1998[7].
En 1993 La Verdad vendió 46.919 ejemplares[9] La difusión del periódico fue de 40.832 ejemplares en 2002[6] Su difusión en 2009 fue de 35.136 ejemplares[2] El periódico vendió 30.500 ejemplares en 2011[10] El periódico tuvo una difusión de 20.524 ejemplares y 197.000 lectores en 2014[4].
Breaking news
This newspaper, founded with capital from the Diocese of Cartagena and its parishioners, was born in Murcia, a city involved in religious clashes, promoted by the then Dean of the Cathedral of Murcia, José María Molina, and a group of priests and lay Catholics.
Its editorial staff consisted of the director and three editors. José Mejías (curate of Santa Eulalia), Juan Hernández (parish priest of Puebla de Soto), Juan Bautista Luis Pérez, doctoral candidate and later bishop of Oviedo, among others, were part of its history.
The new newspaper, which openly confessed to being Catholic, had to compete with others already established, such as El Liberal, of anticlerical orientation. It received fierce attacks from them from the very moment it hit the streets. The young people who shouted the name of La Verdad were shouted down and insulted by the shouters of the other Murcian newspapers. Also, in the kiosk of the railroad station they refused to sell it, and the packages sent to the Murcian towns were lost on the way.
Murcia today
The State Meteorological Agency has updated and warns that for today November 27 may occur on the coast of Campo de Cartagena and Mazarrón, northwest wind force 7. Therefore, it has issued a new bulletin warning of adverse weather conditions yellow level.
Emergency services have attended and taken to hospital two men who have been injured when the vehicle in which they were traveling on the N-301 road, in front of Fini sweets, in the municipality of Molina de Segura.
The 1-1-2 received, at 07.45 hours, calls reporting the accident. The callers indicated that the injured had left the car. At the scene came patrols of the Guardia Civil, Local Police, and an ambulance of the Emergency Service in Primary Care (SUAP) with medical staff of the Emergency Management and Health Emergencies 061.
The State Meteorological Agency has warned that next morning may occur on the coast of Campo de Cartagena and Mazarrón, northwest wind force 7. Therefore, it has issued a bulletin warning of adverse weather conditions yellow level.