Diario regional hoy badajoz

Extremadura newspaper

The Governing Council of the Government of Extremadura has approved this Friday a decree regulating the aid for investments for the processing and marketing of agricultural products that contribute to a resilient, sustainable and digital economic recovery in the region.

The Civil Guard has arrested and investigated five residents of the Badajoz town of La Albuera, as alleged members of a criminal group involved in at least 62 robberies perpetrated on farms in the province of Badajoz.

Hundreds of farmers and ranchers from different parts of Extremadura and other communities have walked the streets of Merida on Thursday in rejection of low prices and rising costs and have demanded that measures be taken to continue living from the field.

Badajoz newspaper

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary, the GLADYS Restaurant in Badajoz presented the ELLAS Awards to 12 people who in their different professions have made Solidarity an important banner in the construction of a better world, making it more humane, fraternal and inclusive.

Given the passivity and the repeated excuses made by the city council, both the AMPA and all the parents of the students of CEIP No. 28, demand that the heating is put into operation immediately. If this does not happen before December 10, they will call a demonstration at the door of the town hall so that measures are taken once and for all.

The mayor of Badajoz, Ignacio Gragera, has advanced that the Local Government Board of this Friday, the 3rd, has approved the contracting, until the month of March, of the gas supply for the school of Cerro Gordo, and that they have had to turn to Endesa Distribution after the tender for this same supply was deserted because “no supplier wants to do it”.

Noticias de hoy

Esta guía -que ha sido posible gracias al patrocinio de Ibercaja, Quirón Salud, el Ayuntamiento de Badajoz y la colaboración de Axesor- incluye más de 950 referencias empresariales con un análisis en profundidad de cada uno de los sectores de la región y su aportación en Extremadura.

El acto, conducido por el responsable del área Local y Regional de HOY, Luis Expósito, comenzó con las palabras de apertura del Director General de la Escuela de Negocios San Telmo, Juan Pérez Gálvez. A continuación, cedió la palabra a la Directora de HOY, Manuela Martín y al Alcalde de Badajoz, Francisco Javier Fragoso, con palabras de aliento al buen comportamiento de la economía extremeña y al escenario que se avecina.

El objetivo principal de esta iniciativa es poner cara al tejido empresarial de la comunidad. “Extremadura cuenta con empresas de referencia a nivel regional, nacional e internacional y está hecha para el desarrollo empresarial”, señaló Juan Pérez Gálvez, director general de la Escuela de Negocios.

La gran extensión geográfica de la región extremeña supone una dispersión de las redes empresariales y, muchas veces, empresarios sin relación entre sí que ni siquiera saben que comparten sector con otras empresas en las que pueden apoyarse para su desarrollo. Este directorio pretende facilitar las conexiones entre las distintas empresas, y al estar abierto a las actualizaciones el número de empresas crecerá con el tiempo.

The chronicle of badajoz

Nuria Rodríguez, the Podemos deputy who presented the bill urging the Barbón government to protect the Salave environment, which, if approved in time and form, would annul the whole process initiated by the company Explotaciones Mineras del Cantábrico to exploit the gold reserve, maintains that “it is easy to resolve the situation, since it is a question of political will”. In his opinion, it is “unfair” that the residents of Tapia de Casariego have to face every so often, “much to their regret”, a project to exploit the gold in this reserve, considered one of the most important in Europe.

On the western coast, sectors such as livestock and fishing are opposed to the mine. Recently, the town council of Tapia de Casariego was the scene of a meeting to stage the rejection of this industry.

For its part, the PP of Navia has announced a motion for the Plenary of the Municipal Corporation to put on record its institutional support for the fishing sector in the defense of natural resources, against the implementation of new economic activities such as mining projects, such as the Salave gold mine in Tapia de Casariego, or the commitment to offshore wind farms.