Prensa economica española digital
Digital economy
Nowadays we have at our fingertips infinite information on any sector. Such is the case that there is talk of the paradox of the information society: never has it been so easy to access information and never have we been so uninformed. The same is true of economic newspapers.
Since the 2008 crisis, economic news has become a topic that matters to all citizens, especially businessmen. Nevertheless, there is an infinite number of digital portals labeled as newspapers.
The vanguard
In 2016 came Economía Digital Ideas and the incursions in paper with ED Libros and mEDium, focused on articles of analysis and debates of scope. This publication went from annual to quarterly in 2019.
The sale included the weekly Inversión & Finanzas, which Economía Digital relaunched in May 2019 with the magazine’s historic name, Inversión. This weekly allowed the group to enter into the production of informative events, where to date it had hardly had any relevant initiatives.
It kicked off 2020 with the launch of the edition for the Valencian Community of Economía Digital and the consolidation of its podcast episodes, with more than 3,000 downloads for each of them.
Economía Digital and Atresmedia Digital signed a strategic alliance in November 2016 to jointly distribute content, explore and detect new market niches and develop economies of scale. The pact respects the editorial, commercial and management independence of both companies[3].
Digital newspaper
The most affected ask for their taxes to be equalized for all. To compensate the differences there are the transfers of the government to the communities, which are based on criteria of population and characteristics of each territory and which are precisely those that for many have to be reviewed because they do not collect and receive the same an overpopulated community that one with few inhabitants and it does not cost the same to cover their basic needs.
The Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, José Luis Escrivá, has presented after the Council of Ministers on Tuesday the plan to encourage pension plans. “The contributions to these plans are a salary that will be obtained later”, the minister reminded, who explained that “for two decades the collective plans have been stabilized and those that have grown are individual plans”. Escrivá stressed that the new law aims to eliminate obstacles, such as the fact that collective plans were subject to “very extensive procedures” and thus benefit “middle-income citizens”.
The financial
Unidad Editorial saves 26 M euros with the pandemic and revises the rent of its headquarters9.3 million euros were passed on to personnel costs, where first a Temporary Employment Adjustment Plan (ERTE) was applied, affecting the entire workforce, and then layoffs were made in areas such as the branches of El Mundo.
Expansión exceeds 20,000 digital subscribers in the midst of a change of leadershipExpansión has consolidated this figure in the first eight months of its Premium model, which is based on the same technology with which El Mundo had previously launched its paid subscription service.
Expansión puts its digital bet in the hands of former correspondentsUnica Editorial’s business news daily entrusts its digital future to two journalists who until now covered the two most important financial markets in the world.
Unidad Editorial starts the countdown for Expansión’s pay wallThe specialized press is no stranger to the subscription trend. The most immediate case is that of Expansión, which has almost ready its pay wall.