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To enroll in the Final Degree Project Module it is necessary to have passed all the subjects of the first two years of the Degree and at least 70% of the credits of the 3rd year. There will be no additional requirement to pass it.
Being a final subject of the Biochemistry degree based on a research project that can be developed in any of the areas of knowledge of the same, it is highly recommended to have basic knowledge of Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Structure of Macromolecules, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, as well as the other subjects studied in the degree.
CG1.- Possess and understand the fundamental knowledge about the organization and function of biological systems at the cellular and molecular levels, being able to discern the different molecular mechanisms and chemical transformations responsible for a biological process. This knowledge will be supported by advanced textbooks, but will also include some aspects of scientific literature sources at the forefront of knowledge in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
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… A continuación, hemos reunido las principales dimensiones de la enseñanza, que han sido especificadas para su evaluación por parte de los alumnos: a) Un primer conjunto de dimensiones a evaluar se centra en la interacción profesor-alumno y la gestión del aula: Condiciones en el aula y relaciones de grupo (Marsh, 1984;
El uso de escalas para evaluar el desempeño de los profesores desde el punto de vista de los estudiantes es una práctica generalizada en los sistemas de educación superior de todo el mundo. El propósito de este estudio es analizar la estructura factorial y medir la invarianza de la Escala de Desempeño Docente del Profesor de Psicología (EDDPsic) entre grupos según género, edad y etapa académica. La muestra de participantes estuvo compuesta por 316 estudiantes de Psicología de cuarto y sexto semestre (ciclos básicos), y de octavo y décimo semestre (ciclos disciplinares-profesionales) de dos reconocidas universidades públicas de Lima, Perú. Doscientos treinta y un participantes fueron mujeres (73%), y la edad media de los estudiantes fue de 21,5 años ( SD = 2,37). La invarianza de medida de la escala en las tres variables de estudio se sustentó en un análisis factorial confirmatorio multigrupo (MGCFA) realizado con un modelo de cinco factores que mostró los mejores índices de aptitud. Se concluye que las diferencias significativas en la medición de las áreas de desempeño docente del profesor dependen de la diferencia de edad de los estudiantes y de su etapa académica (cursar los ciclos disciplinares-profesionales).
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To enroll in the Final Degree Project Module it is necessary to have passed all the subjects of the first two years of the Degree and at least 70% of the credits of the 3rd year. There will be no additional requirement to pass it.
Being a final subject of the Biochemistry degree based on a research project that can be developed in any of the areas of knowledge of the same, it is highly recommended to have basic knowledge of Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Structure of Macromolecules, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, as well as the other subjects studied in the degree.
CG1.- Possess and understand the fundamental knowledge about the organization and function of biological systems at the cellular and molecular levels, being able to discern the different molecular mechanisms and chemical transformations responsible for a biological process. This knowledge will be supported by advanced textbooks, but will also include some aspects of scientific literature sources at the forefront of knowledge in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.