Entre si lleva tilde
yes rae
a) It must always be preceded by a preposition: Pedro no daba más de sí; Los asistentes no cabían en sí de gozo; No podrá usted huir de sí. Before the preposition con, it adopts the form consigo: Don’t forget to bring all your belongings with you; it is not correct, therefore, the use of the sequence
b) Since it is an exclusively reflexive tonic personal pronoun (→ tonic personal pronouns, 3), it should only be used when the complement has a reflexive sense, that is, when the referent of the pronoun is the same as that of the subject of the sentence in which it appears or that of a paraphrase implicit in the sequence to which it belongs: María reclamar para sí, María reclamó para sí, María reclamó para sí. It is not advisable to use the reflexive sí in impersonal sentences with unspecific or generic referents; in such cases, it is normal and preferable to use the indefinite uno (→ uno, 1.3); thus, instead of Aquí se viene a hablar de sí mismo it is preferable to say Aquí se viene a hablar de uno mismo.
entre sí or entre sí
If you hesitate when writing this short word, and you don’t know whether to put the accent or not, you may be comforted to know that this is one of the most common cases of mistakes or mistakes. We have started using it in conditional mode and that is why it does not have a tilde. This is one of the most frequent cases:
But this conjunction -which because it is invariable- introduces sentences of other types such as indirect interrogatives, which often adopt a nuance of doubt. We have also already used it: “(…) no sabes si poner o no o no la tilde”. Or also:
Continuing in the area of doubts, it is sometimes used at the beginning of a sentence to emphasize disbelief: si será verdad? It can also be used to emphasize an assertion: Si lo estaba diciendo te lo diciendo!
claro que sí has a tilde
The second is the affirmation sí (3), which is technically an adverb. This adverb can be nounized by prefixing it with a determiner (el sí). It is still written with an accent. The most famous of these substantivations is probably the one used by Moratín in the title of one of his works, which I have included here as an example (4):
There is still another si without tilde that is the name of a musical note, but what is really intended to be differentiated with the diacritical tilde is the former. Therefore, this one simply conforms to the accentuation rule that establishes that monosyllables do not have a tilde.
mí with tilde
I also have this doubt: when it is a question, which assumes that a person knows something about a subject, does it have a tilde or not, that is to say, should it be written Sí sabes que eso es correcto? or without a tilde ¿Si sabes que eso es correcto?Gracias
Hello, it is well written like that, without tilde. If you look at the entry, when it can be replaced, with little alteration to the rest of the sentence, by “en el caso de” it is a conjunction and does not have it. “En el caso de que sabes dónde van a estar, nos avisas” makes sense.saludos.
In Graciela’s example: “Si sabes que todo es correcto? is an affirmation, equivalent to: ¿Estás seguro de que todo es correcto? si sabes que todo es correcto me lo dirás? is a conditional, so it doesn’t have it. The equivalent sentence would be: In case you know that everything is correct, you will tell me?greetings.
Hello Good afternoon! I always have the doubt if when someone calls you by your name and you answer ¿si? if that one has a tilde. For example -Maria. and the other person answers the call Yes? Thank you very much.