Pagina nacional de moneda y timbre
fábrica nacional de moneda y timbre certificado digital
La Real Casa de la Moneda de España (español: Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre – Real Casa de la Moneda, lit. Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre – Real Casa de la Moneda) es la Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre de España. La FNMT-RCM es una empresa pública, gestionada por el Ministerio de Economía y Empresa español.
Durante el reinado de Isabel II había siete cecas públicas, situadas en Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla, Pamplona, Jubia, Segovia y Manila (en Filipinas), y cada una tenía su propia cifra y signos. Cuando la peseta se convirtió en moneda nacional en 1869, sólo funcionaba la Real Casa de la Moneda de Madrid.
En 1893 la Casa de la Moneda y la Fábrica del Sello, que hasta entonces habían sido dos establecimientos diferentes que compartían un edificio en la Plaza de Colón, se fusionaron para crear la Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre.
La producción de billetes para el Banco de España comenzó en 1940. En 1964 se inauguró un nuevo edificio en el que se fabricaron el pasaporte y el documento nacional de identidad. Posteriormente, se imprimieron cartones de bingo y billetes de la lotería estatal.
download digital certificate
A user certificate is a digital document that allows to identify its holder on the Internet and to carry out procedures with the Administration in a secure way without the need to travel and wait unnecessarily. It ensures the identity of the person who establishes the telematic communication and if it is used to sign data it allows to guarantee that these have not been modified as well as the identity of the signer.
The certificate applicant must physically present himself/herself at a Digital Certification Accreditation Office, providing his/her Identity Document (DNI or NIF) and the Application Code assigned by the FNMT in the previous step.
Once identified, the applicant will proceed to sign the certificate application form and its conditions of use, of which he/she will be given a copy. A few minutes after the accreditation, you will be able to download your certificate in the same computer where the application was made.
request digital certificate
There are currently several national certification providers with their corresponding X.509 v.3 certificates (ITU-T X.509 v3) adhered to the platform. Among them are the certificates corresponding to the Citizen authentication and signature included in the DNI. The platform currently supports certificates for individuals, legal entities, representatives and components. There are also CAs for specific professional fields (lawyers, notaries, etc.).
The PSCs will interconnect to the platform using the extranet of the AAPPs and will provide the evidentiary elements to demonstrate to third parties the veracity of the result of digital certificate validation transactions.
fnmt digital certificate natural person
– For any technical or support questions about obtaining the application code and/or downloading of the digital certificate of Natural Person, the applicant will have to contact the Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre (Spanish Mint).
2. Request via Internet of your Certificate. At the end of the application process, you will receive in your e-mail account an Application Code that will be required at the moment of accrediting your identity and later at the moment of downloading your certificate.
3. Accreditation of identity at a Registry Office. Once you have completed the previous phase and are in possession of your Application Code, to continue with the process you will have to Prove your Identity at a Registration Office. For the accreditation of the identity it is obligatory the physical presence of the applicant in the office. In case of requesting the digital certificate to a third party it is necessary to carry out a process of signature legitimation before a notary, for this you should consult the FNMT website where all the steps to follow are explained.