Ultima hora periodico digital


Durante la Segunda República, adoptaron una línea editorial más conservadora y fueron críticos con los medios de comunicación vinculados a la clase obrera[2] A pesar de ello, en sus páginas publicaron artículos de líderes socialistas como Alexandre Jaume y Gabriel Alomar i Villalonga, y celebraron la proclamación del nuevo régimen.

En 1997, el Grupo Serra decidió crear una edición digital. Un año después, lanzaron ultimahora.es . Fueron pioneros a nivel nacional en las ediciones online de los periódicos. En 2010, su versión online tuvo un importante rediseño y se modificaron sus contenidos.

The last minute we can

This weekend, Labor has sent to the social agents negotiating the labor reform a new document focused on the future Ertes and the RED Mechanisms for Employment Flexibility and Stabilization. With this new proposal, the Government intends to bring the positions a little closer in order to close this week an agreement with employers and unions.

Of the 2,458 positions available for the corps of Treasury inspectors, 2,021 are currently filled, leaving 437 vacant positions despite the fact that there is a provision for their recruitment.

Latest news

This weekend, Labor has sent to the social agents negotiating the labor reform a new document focused on the future Ertes and the RED Mechanisms for Employment Flexibility and Stabilization. With this new proposal, the Government intends to bring the positions a little closer in order to be able to reach an agreement with employers and unions this week. It establishes the exemptions from the quotas to which companies will be entitled.

Of the 2,458 posts available for the body of tax inspectors, 2,021 are currently filled, leaving 437 vacant posts despite the fact that there is a provision for their recruitment.

Indefinite-term hiring has accelerated in the final stretch of 2021, driven especially by the conversion of temporary contracts, touching pre-pandemic highs, in a market that remains, however, marked by a high rate of temporary employment.

Last hour py

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