Telecinco en directo sálvame

Women and men and vice versa

Working in a program like Sálvame is not easy. David Valldeperas as director knows it well.  And less simple is to do it every day because the reporters end up becoming almost one more characters. last Friday afternoon Omar Suarez has had to make a live connection with his program with two people behind (one on each side) doing almost protectors of the reporter. “We see that you still have your bodyguards behind you so everything is going well,” ironized Nuria Martín, who today presented the format of the Fábrica de la Tele in Telecinco, from the set. “It’s not like that, I have my little monsters here, you have yours there on the set,” she replied.

And the fact is that the format of the Fábrica de la Tele has been in Malaga all week to report the separation between Antonio David Flores and Olga Moreno. Today Kiko Hernandez went to the Andalusian city to talk to a relative of those involved in this sentimental breakup. At a certain moment Carlota Corredera gave way to Hernández by order of Valldeperas, who asked her to stop any other conversation.

Telearroba telecinco

Telecinco is one of those channels that are part of the television tradition. Without going any further, its contents in most cases have a good audience and some of its programs are so attractive that it can frustrate you not to be able to watch a new broadcast because you are at work or because you are not at home at the time of the broadcast.

However, thanks to technological advances, anyone can now watch Telecinco live on their mobile completely free of charge. This way you will be able to enjoy all its programming in your free time and without having to be at home.

Among the programs that you can find on the platform are First Dates, Gran Hermano (GH), Sálvame or El Príncipe, among others. And depending on what you want to watch, you can choose from a lot of programs, series, movies, children’s content or sports, among other content.  All of them uncut and totally free.

Nowadays it is not a surprise to find an endless number of applications and programs to watch TL5 live. Therefore, you can opt for this option without the need to pay for an additional service, since most alternatives are totally free and you would only have to pay your monthly fee for fiber optics or your mobile data plan.

Rtve live

The truth is that much has been said about the daughter of Maria Teresa Campos because she also denied the greeting, allegedly, to Gustavo and Kiko Matamoros. “The truth is that it was something unpleasant,” they all acknowledged. The topic continued and the collaborators were heating up. Especially to try to know what happens with the secret of Carmen Alcayde. Something that only the directors of the program knew. “It can change everything,” said Carlota Corredera. “Don’t be chunga,” David Valldeperas told her, forcing everyone to stop the speculation.

This figure is lower than that of its great competitor, “Tierra Amarga”. The Turkish soap opera, Antena 3’s great bet for the afternoons, has managed to become the most watched program.  As a matter of fact, on November 5, it had an audience share of 15.9%.

Sálvame diario

Dubbed by its members as “Golfo”, Sálvame premiered weekly on Thursday, March 19, 2009, in late night after the first episode of Supervivientes on Telecinco.[9] The program, which obtained a 25.8% share and almost one million followers (976,000) in its premiere,[10] was born with the aim of commenting on the survival reality show in a humorous and lighthearted way, but soon, the live fights and fights displaced the formal content of the program.

On November 6, 2009, the humorist and actress Paz Padilla joined the program’s team to present the Friday programs, since Jorge Javier Vázquez was hosting the weekly program that same day.[19] Later, in May 2011, she was offered the Thursday hosting, since the main presenter was facing the edition of Supervivientes for the first time until the end of July.[20] On the other hand, on October 6, 2011, she joined the program’s team to present the Friday programs, since Jorge Javier Vázquez was hosting the weekly program that same night.[21] On October 6, 2011, she was offered the Thursday edition of Supervivientes for the first time until the end of July.

For her part, on October 28, 2010, María Teresa Campos joined the program as “audience advocate”. In this section, she began to give a voice to the people who watched the program, who gave their opinion about the space, the collaborators or the topics they were dealing with.[30] In addition, the program’s audience was also given the opportunity to express their opinions.