La linea de la concepcion noticias

La linea city council

TopicsLa Línea de la ConcepciónA Civil Guard commander dies in a traffic accident in VinarozCC.OO. says it will take “disciplinary action” if the aggression of San Roque is confirmed4-1: Unexpected setback for Albacete in La Línea de la ConcepciónLa Línea de la Concepción images and videos

In July 1941, an Italian bomber intended to attack Gibraltar dropped its load on the beaches and houses of La Línea de la Concepción when the town was preparing its festivities. Neighbors and soldiers together pulled the victims out of the rubble.

The macro operation, which has been conducted by the National Police and the Royal Gibraltar Police, has resulted in the arrest of 47 individuals and the intervention of 19,000 euros in cash, 12 “smartphones”, five cars and various documentation.

Gibraltar news

The Directorate General of Housing of the Ministry of Employment and Social Policies has announced a new line of aid for the rehabilitation of groups of houses and the redevelopment of residential areas, with 200,000 euros, to which municipalities and neighborhood councils of Cantabria can apply.

The Eastern Rioja Wine Route is organizing the 3rd International Congress of Historic Winery Neighborhoods, taking up the baton from the Rioja Alta Wine Route and Bodegas Lecea, which hosted the first two editions, and continuing in the line of valuing Historic Winery Neighborhoods.

The Community has announced a new line of aid amounting to 3,150,000 euros aimed at promoting innovation and modernization of agricultural and livestock farms, as well as their adaptation to new strategies and regulations that seek to promote sustainability and care for the environment.

Faced with the draft general state budget (PGE) for 2022, which provides 49.6 million euros for the works to replace the suspenders of the Centennial Bridge or 31.6 million for the SE-40 metropolitan ring road, the Confederation of Employers of Seville (CES) has warned that the document does not include “any major investment in key projects that Seville urgently needs and forgets strategic infrastructure”.

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La línea del crimen de la concepción

La ciudad se encuentra en el istmo arenoso que forma parte del flanco oriental de la Bahía de Gibraltar, y limita con la frontera entre Gibraltar y España por el sur. La Línea mantiene estrechos vínculos económicos y sociales con el territorio británico de ultramar de Gibraltar.

Los habitantes de La Línea han encontrado tradicionalmente trabajo en Gibraltar, desde los tiempos en que en el siglo XVIII Gibraltar era un importante puerto naval. Esto cesó con el cierre total de la frontera por parte del gobierno español entre el 9 de junio de 1969 [2] y el 15 de diciembre de 1982 [3] como resultado de la disputa entre España y Gran Bretaña sobre la soberanía de Gibraltar. La frontera se reabrió completamente el 5 de febrero de 1985[4].

La Línea es un importante proveedor de frutas y verduras a Gibraltar; otras industrias incluyen la fabricación de corcho, licores y pasta de pescado. También contaba con una importante guarnición militar con importantes fortificaciones y un puerto.

El nombre de la ciudad procede, en primer lugar, de la línea que separa España de Gibraltar y, en segundo lugar, de la Inmaculada Concepción de María, la Madre de Jesús. Sus habitantes son llamados en español linenses.