El correo digital pais vasco
Since the 1970s, El Correo has been the target of ETA actions, suffering attacks against its facilities on several occasions,[4] including the assassination of its director Javier de Ybarra y Bergé in 1977.[5] During this period, writers such as Azorín, Valle-Inclán or Pío Baroja collaborated with the newspaper.
During this period, writers of the generation of ’98 collaborated with the newspaper, such as Azorín, Valle-Inclán or Pío Baroja, as well as Julio Camba, José María Salaverría, Concha Espina or Pedro Mourlane Michelena.
In 1945, the Echevarría and Bergareche families, publishers of the now defunct El Noticiero Bilbaíno, joined the publishing company. In 1947 they acquired most of the Guipuzcoan El Diario Vasco, recovered the part appropriated by the Falangists, and became the public limited company Bilbao Editorial.
The basque newspaper
Castejón and Tudela are preparing for the highest flood, which will be registered early this morning; while the situation has calmed down in the BAC, although in Alava the emergency phase is maintained. Iparralde is trying to return to normality and is no longer on alert.
Several exits from Vitoria-Gasteiz are closed. In Navarra problems are accumulating. In Peralta practically all the roads have been cut and the water has also occupied the A-15 at Castejón.
Interviewed in Radio Vitoria, the spokesman of the executive, Bingen Zupiria, affirms that the sanitary pass “is fulfilling its function” in the night leisure and in the restoration, although he points out that it is “one more measure”.
Floods in Gernika and Muxika. The Elexalde river has overflowed its banks in Muxika. Several families have been affected by the flooding. 21 students have been rescued in a zodiac after being trapped in a large pool of water in Gernika.
The Otxandiarra town council has commissioned the UPV-EHU to carry out a historical-archaeological study of this area over which it has had the right to exploit its natural resources since the 15th century, although administratively it is the territory of Alava.
News bilbao
The Basque Government has decided to lower the risk level of the special flood plan and terminate the emergency phase, although it maintains it in Alava, after three days in which more than a thousand incidents have accumulated throughout Euskadi.
The municipal police of Santurtzi (Bizkaia) has identified the alleged perpetrator of an Internet scam of more than 3,000 euros by impersonating a bank, a method known as ‘phishing’.
The second vice-president and minister of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz, will participate next 18th in the BEC of Barakaldo, together with the minister Ione Belarra and the general secretary of CCOO, Unai Sordo, in a day of debate organized by Podemos Euskadi.
The general secretary of Esan, Roberto Palma, has asked the Minister of Health, Gotzone Sagardui, to take the necessary steps to administer the third dose or the corresponding booster dose in each case to all members of the Ertzaintza and Municipal Police.
The alava post office
We would like to remind the informant that the fact that he/she has been informed by this means of the exercise of the tourist activity in the dwelling referred to, does not in itself grant him/her the status of complainant, nor of interested party in the sanctioning procedure that could be initiated.
If you wish to have the status of complainant in the sanctioning procedure that could be initiated, you must file a formal complaint at Complaints, claims and complaints in the tourism sector. In this case, your identification as a complainant will be required.