El correo bilbao es


El Correo es un diario de referencia en Bilbao y en el País Vasco. Es uno de los periódicos de información general más vendidos en España.

Los hermanos Ybarra y de la Revilla -Fernando, Gabriel y Emilio- fundaron El Pueblo Vasco el 1 de mayo de 1910,[1][2] con Juan de la Cruz como director fundador. El periódico apoyaba al joven Partido Conservador de Vizcaya y su línea editorial era clerical, monárquica alfonsista, de prensa libre y autonomista regional vasca. Su principal competidor en Bilbao era La Gaceta del Norte.

En 1965, El Correo se trasladó a su actual sede de la calle Pintor Losada, se convirtió en tabloide y aumentó el número de páginas. En 1976, El Correo superó por primera vez a La Gaceta del Norte en ventas, convirtiéndose en el periódico más vendido del norte de España.

El Correo fue el promotor de La Vuelta, la carrera ciclista anual alrededor de España, entre 1955 y 1978. Sin embargo, debido a la organización de atentados por parte de ETA desde finales de los años sesenta, y al aumento de los desórdenes en torno a la carrera a finales de los años setenta durante la transición española a la democracia, la Real Federación Española de Ciclismo prohibió que la carrera pasara por el País Vasco, lo que provocó que El Correo anunciara en enero de 1979 que dejaría de organizar la carrera. Posteriormente fue promovida por la empresa de eventos deportivos Unipublic[4] y no volvió al País Vasco hasta 2011[5].

the world

Since the 1970s, El Correo has been the target of ETA’s actions, suffering attacks against its facilities on several occasions,[4] including the assassination of its director Javier de Ybarra y Bergé in 1977.[5] During this period, writers such as Azorín, Valle-Inclán or Pío Baroja collaborated with the newspaper.

During this period, writers of the generation of ’98 collaborated with the newspaper, such as Azorín, Valle-Inclán or Pío Baroja, as well as Julio Camba, José María Salaverría, Concha Espina or Pedro Mourlane Michelena.

In 1945, the Echevarría and Bergareche families, publishers of the now defunct El Noticiero Bilbaíno, joined the publishing company. In 1947 they acquired most of the Guipuzcoan El Diario Vasco, recovered the part appropriated by the Falangists, and became Bilbao Editorial.

bilbao newspaper

Juan de la Cruz Elizondo (1879-1940) would go on to direct, from the Donostia newspaper, the Biscayan newspaper, which would be the mouthpiece of the Conservative Party, led by Antonio Maura (1853-1925), of which Fernando de Ybarra (1875-1936) was its president in the province. It would compete with the also Catholic La Gaceta del norte (1901-1987), of Editorial Vizcaya, S.A. (constituted in 1904), which was controlled by the Urquijo Ybarra family, cousins of the Ybarra de la Revilla family, but with an anti-dynastic Vaticanist orientation; it would also be critical of the newspaper that was the mouthpiece of the Basque Nationalist Party: Euzkadi (Bilbao: 1913-1939).

In December 1939 the new publishing company Sociedad Anónima El Pueblo Vasco de Bilbao was established, whose president was José María Zayas y Lafarga; vice-president, Pedro Galíndez Vallejo; managing director, Javier de Ybarra Bergé (1913-1977), son of the founder of the newspaper, Gabriel de Ybarra de la Revilla; and as board members, Luis María de Ybarra Oriol and José María de Areilza, among others. Santiago Nadal Gaya (1909-1974) was appointed director, being replaced at the beginning of 1940 by Joaquín Zuazagoitia Azcorra (1892-1971). The ideological diversity of the up to nineteen Basque newspapers during the Republican period -nine of them only in Vizcaya-, the Franco regime will transmute them into an ideological monopoly and almost a business oligopoly.

international mail

He needed to catch his breath, his confidence. To mature as a person and as a player. He was stuck at Athletic. His offensive profile had waned chasing rivals, shadows. He has not fled, he only thinks of returning. Moving away from Lezama, from Bilbao, is a bet to return. “Holland is my investment in Athletic,” he admitted to El Correo.

His declared goal is to succeed in the Club of his love dressed in red and white. The Go Ahead Eagles are giving him wings. He has just drawn at Ajax, one of the most in-form teams in Europe.