Luis carlos campos youtube

Matriz del contraperiodismo

Luis Carlos: Pues si eres de verdad eres un idiota por exponerte. Yo, al menos, que soy el que más se expone, soy lo suficientemente inteligente como para saber que soy un completo idiota por exponerme así. No sirve para nada… sólo para ser insultado.¿Qué fue lo que te interesó de este mundo? La información oficial es una farsa y yo inventé un nuevo género de periodismo: el contraperiodismo. Ahora me copian y todo… hasta el nombre. Además, aplico el humor al género y doy exclusivas que nadie da. ¿Lo hace de forma profesional? Sí, claro que sí. No tengo ninguna credibilidad ni reputación… a quién le importa. Ya he predicho cosas muy serias y he desmontado teorías científicas y no importa. Ya era serio cuando trabajaba en los medios de comunicación, qué aburrimiento, con el humor se llega a más gente y es mejor parecer un poco loco para que no te maten. Yo participaba en un programa en la COPE, La nit de l’ornitorinc, que era uno de los más escuchados y descargados en Ivoox. Lo cerraron en cuanto ganamos resonancia. Lo que hago es absolutamente inútil… lo más inteligente sería desaparecer¿Tienes alguna teoría conspirativa cuya autoría sea fruto de un trabajo de investigación 100% tuyo?

Luis carlos campos 2021

It has created invented neologisms such as borregomátrix [borrega people who believe everything], calentólogos [defenders of the theory of global warming], telediarreo [telediario], mass mierda [mass media or mass media], which have passed into general speech.

I was killed for being a heretic and for revolting against the Roman Empire, like Spartacus. I was a Spartacus of the time, as real as that one. At first it may seem a hoax. But you know that I tell the truth and, as the mkultra, I have credibility, I gain nothing by inventing this and exposing myself to ridicule.

In fact, BABA NAM KEVALAM is the vibration behind the matrix in the Infinite, there is only UNITY, AUMMOR, PERFECTION, EXTASIS, we only exist in a mystical fusion All in an Infinite Being that is Sat existence, knowledge and bliss. Baba means Father or Aummor or God , Infinite, Nam vibration or name and kevalam only without duality. It is a magic word. Meditate with it, sing with it and live with it. BABA NAM when breathing in, and KEVALAM when breathing out. With your eyes closed. Like this for a few minutes or until you get tired.

Luis carlos campos blog

eleven million visits.  He has also participated in mass media of disinformation and vomit, such as the program ‘Sálvame’.  In addition to authoring several books that aim to dismantle many official theories, Luis Carlos has collaborated in numerous mass media to comment on his research.

He has created invented neologisms such as borregomátrix [people who believe everything], calentólogos [defenders of the theory of global warming], telediarreo [telediario], mass mierda [mass media or mass media], which have entered general speech.

I was killed for being a heretic and for revolting against the Roman Empire, like Spartacus. I was a Spartacus of the time, as real as that one. At first it may seem a hoax. But you know that I tell the truth and, as the mkultra, I have credibility, I gain nothing by inventing this and exposing myself to ridicule.

In fact, BABA NAM KEVALAM is the vibration behind the matrix in the Infinite, there is only UNITY, AUMMOR, PERFECTION, EXTASIS, we only exist in a mystical fusion All in an Infinite Being that is Sat existence, knowledge and bliss. Baba means Father or Aummor or God , Infinite, Nam vibration or name and kevalam only without duality. It is a magic word. Meditate with it, sing with it and live with it. BABA NAM when breathing in, and KEVALAM when breathing out. With your eyes closed. Like this for a few minutes or until you get tired.

Luis carlos campos wikipedia

Once again we present the world with a new world exclusive of capital dimensions. We have already given many of all topics, snuff, UFOs, aliens, conspiracy, Nazis, AIDS, glaciation, science, cancer … Envy and fanaticism makes them hide. All history is turned upside down and the official archeology in a new riddle, we present an object with cuneiform inscriptions impossible to find in Jaén.

He is a multidisciplinary journalist, who is also a homeopath, climate consultant in the City of London and has the best known website on conspiracies, He has published many exclusives, such as photos of gray aliens, Nazi UFOs taking off or the secret bases of the illuminati.