Javier gomá lanzón blog

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This is a manipulated interview. The first version was 20 pages long. And the interviewee was asked to be brief, because he was supposed to be an author whose Tetralogy of Exemplarity is among the best-selling and most quoted books in not very exemplary times. After chainsawing the original and calling the incontinent to order, this is the distillate of an hour-long talk. The primordial text has another price.

We are all natively philosophers because we have an interpretation of the world. Then an extravagant minority writes books of philosophy, which is conceptual literature. It is born of a literary vocation. Choosing the concept, the verse or the novel is only a question of communicative strategy.

We need from time to time a vacation from reality, to suspend its laws and create the illusion of a bloodless and painless world. That is humor. It pours sweet lightness into reality, which enslaves us, and makes life more bearable.

To my brothers I say to provoke them that they are lucky to be able to be humble without lying. The scientist knows if he has found the truth by experiment, the literary man only knows it by the consensus of others. He needs to know the opinion of others. Vanity is necessary, although it must be educated.

juan gomá

Por favor, ayude añadiendo fuentes fiables. El material polémico sobre personas vivas que no tenga fuentes o tenga fuentes deficientes debe ser eliminado inmediatamente, especialmente si es potencialmente calumnioso o perjudicial.Buscar fuentes:  “Javier Gomá” – noticias – periódicos – libros – académico – JSTOR

Javier Gomá Lanzón (24 de mayo de 1965) es un filósofo, escritor y ensayista español,[1] autor de la Tetralogía de la ejemplaridad y de una trilogía teatral[2].

Javier Gomá se licenció en Filología Clásica (1998) y en Derecho (1992) en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Posteriormente se doctoró en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia,[3] obteniendo la calificación de cum laude. Defendió su tesis en 2001 sobre la imitación (que luego llamaría ejemplaridad) como pauta ética.

En 1993 aprobó las oposiciones al Consejo de Estado, quedando en primer lugar de su promoción. Estudió Derecho y preparó las oposiciones en sólo tres años. En 1996 comenzó a trabajar en la Fundación Juan March (con sede en Madrid), de la que fue nombrado director en 2003, cargo que ocupa en la actualidad.

javier gomá libros

Imitation is one of those fundamental ideas of Western culture which, like that of Being, runs through all European thought from one end to the other. From the Greeks to the eighteenth century, the theory of imitation, in the form of imitation of Nature, imitation of the Ancients or imitation of the Platonist Ideas, enjoyed a universal and fruitful acceptance in all kinds of arts and sciences. NATIONAL PRIZE OF ESSAY 2004

Aquiles en el gineceo tells the subjective process of formation of exemplarity. It is the second book of the “Tetralogy of exemplarity”, composed also by Imitation and experience, Exemplarity, and Exemplarity in the gynoecium.

Javier Gomá presents us in this book a philosophical sainete and an intimate drama where he not only exposes with mastery the fundamental elements of any dramatic text, but also confers them an important philosophical load. And it is that the author conceives the philosophical

National Essay Prize 2004Imitation is one of those fundamental ideas of Western culture that, like that of Being, runs through all European thought from one end to the other. From the Greeks to the 18th century, the theory of imitation, in the form of imitation of Nature, imitation of the Ancients or imitation of the Platonic Ideas, enjoyed a universal and fruitful acceptance in all kinds of arts and sciences.

Javier gomá lanzón blog en línea

The cosmos is a gigantic graveyard of extinct civilizations. This may be a false hypothesis, but it does not change the outlook for the future. The general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics agree that the universe is moving towards gravitational collapse: dispersion, cold, darkness, non-being. What is man’s role in this tragedy? None. He is only an irrelevant speck, a phenomenon without transcendence.

The greatness of man crumbles in the corruption of the grave. So understood Emil Cioran, one of the great apostles of nihilism. If nothing will last, if Beethoven, Shakespeare and Leonardo da Vinci travel towards non-being, everything is meaningless. Nothingness is the cruel queen of the cosmos. Against this hypothesis, Javier Gomá postulates “an indefinitely extended mortality” guaranteed by a passive and hidden God, but highly compassionate and who has not abandoned us to our fate.

Spinoza advises not to rely on hope, but on reason. Only in this way can we preserve our self and endure misfortune with dignity. On the other hand, holiness or “super-exemplarity” urges us to live for others. Lévinas describes holiness as “non-concupiscent love”. Loving without demanding reciprocity. It is a goal opposed to the economy of the self, which can lead us to the immolation of our own existence. Can one be happy dying for others? It is not likely. That is why happiness belongs to the realm of hope. Only God can provide a supplement of life where virtue and happiness coincide. It is what Kant called “summum bonum”. It is not a right, but a conquest. We do not have the right to be happy. We must make ourselves worthy and deserving of being happy.