Cancion esta tarde se casa mi niña


But their record company has never wanted their CD’s to be sold in places like gas stations, “because it seems,” they tell Efe, “that this is outside the most prestigious circuit, but we would love for them to be so close to our followers”.

Over time, says Izquierdo, they have made “the changes” that have allowed them to continue to be so popular and gives as an example “El rey de la carretera” (2007), with so much repercussion among young people, he says, that it was “a before and after” in their career.

If they look back, Miguel Moyares points out, “it seems that life would have been easy and passed in a moment”, but they are also aware that without their families and the union between them “it would have been impossible”.

because your name is rocio

Enrique, I don’t remember that sevillana by the Hermanos Reyes. If you can give me more clues maybe I can find out which one it is. Anyway, maybe someone who reads your comment can help you directly.Ana, I have a version of Raya Real, I have it ready to post it this Friday, with audio included. I have it ready to post it this Friday, with audio included.

Hello: Could you tell me the name of this sevillana: ” se planchan los mantoncillos y los trajes de gitana, y los trajes de gitana, se planchan los mantoncillos y los trajes de gitana, y en el barrio los chiquillos ya bailan por Sevillanas…? Thanks

Hello, I would like to know if someone could inform me of a sevillana entitled “A la Triana cofrade” and q began with an introduction of a man talking while the march sounds in the background holy week of Seville. The sevillana makes a review of all the brotherhoods that are in Triana. I would like to know the group that sings it or where it is on disc. Thank you very much and greetings

ola!.me gustaria q me dijerais de kien is a sevillana q begins: “dime tu si te han besado…por el callejon del agua….”y al final dice:“paseate por sevilla y bebe de sus encantos y bebe de sus encantos que con los brazos abiertos sevilla te esta esperando llevo mucho tiempo buscandola!!espero vuestra ayuda saludos

echoes of the dew

But their record company has never wanted their CD’s to be sold in places like gas stations, “because it seems to be -they tell Efe- that this is out of the most prestigious circuit, but we would love for them to be so close to our followers”.

Over time, says Izquierdo, they have made “the changes” that have allowed them to continue to be so popular and gives as an example “El rey de la carretera” (2007), with so much repercussion among young people, he says, that it was “a before and after” in their career.

If they look back, Miguel Moyares points out, “it seems that life would have been easy and passed in a moment”, but they are also aware that without their families and the union between them “it would have been impossible”.

see her face to face

“I had my dress idea clear and Manuel de Vivar was the executor; I wanted to transform my dress and make it two in one. The top part was draped silk tulle and the bottom part was made of champagne-colored sequins. For the church we made a renaissance cut skirt with a very high waistline made of silk brocade fabric embossed with shiny silk threads and a meter and a half long train.    This skirt was worn over the dress so the sequins were not visible. When this skirt was removed, the original champagne-colored sequin skirt appeared.”

“Makeup was done by Itxaso Terren (626463950) She works for Nee make up in Milan. She is very sweet and has an exceptional sensitivity. She does a thousand tests, with different makeup bases, different colors and eye shapes. She has worked for many magazines.

Photographers: Jessica & Ana. “Jessica always told us that our wedding was made up of a lot of young people so we adapted it to that. Our photographers would lay on the floor, tell you how you had to pose and coordinate all the guests to pose as they pleased.”