Añadir google analytics a wordpress
Cómo eliminar el código de google analytics de wordpress
WordPress se diseñó originalmente como una herramienta de blogging, por lo que los comentarios eran muy importantes para los usuarios. Hoy en día, sin embargo, se crean todo tipo de sitios web diferentes con WordPress, por lo que es comprensible que no todo el mundo necesite esta función. Afortunadamente, es muy fácil desactivar los comentarios en WordPress. Puedes desactivar los comentarios para páginas o entradas individuales o para todo tu sitio web. Sigue leyendo para…
Puede influir en la primera impresión de sus visitantes de su sitio de WordPress estableciendo una página como su página de inicio. Al ser el primer punto de contacto y la tarjeta de presentación de su sitio web, la elección de la página de inicio marca una diferencia significativa. Ya sea que desee una página de inicio estática o dinámica, estamos aquí para mostrarle cómo configurar una página individual para que sea su página de inicio de WordPress.
Las pestañas del navegador contienen dos elementos: el título de su sitio web y una pequeña imagen conocida como favicon. Un buen favicon facilita a los usuarios la navegación en sus navegadores y refuerza la identidad de tu marca. Entonces, ¿cómo añadir un favicon a su sitio de WordPress? Hay tres formas de hacerlo: utilizando el personalizador de WordPress, usando un plugin o haciéndolo manualmente. Sigue leyendo para ver el paso a paso…
Add google analytics to wordpress elementor
If you check this option, you will be agreeing to give anonymous data to add to an aggregate data set to enable features such as benchmarking and publishing that can help you understand data trends.
Of course, you should keep in mind that plugins require you to update and maintain them over time and many of them even overload your website with features you will never use or don’t really need.
It supports the classic version of Analytics, but in addition, the Universal Analytics version, the Analytics remarketing tracking code and even custom tracking codes.
This option is excellent and in fact is the one I recommend the most as a professional WordPress developer, since as far as possible you should try to avoid overloading your site with plugins that sooner or later will require you to update them and can slow down the loading speed of your website unnecessarily to perform a very simple task as in this case.
Add google analytics to wordpress yoast
The names that I give to Category, Action and Label are completely arbitrary, that is to say that you can do whatever you want, as long as these names help you to easily identify the different events. So in the example of the video (download of a PDF) I put the following:
We will use this method if we have relatively easy access to the HTML code of the element we are going to track. If for example we are going to create a link from scratch, as in the video, this method is perfect for us because inserting an event in that link is very simple.
Best google analytics plugin for wordpress
In principle, the whole process should not take you more than five minutes, although if it is the first time you do it, you probably like to be aware of all the steps so you do not miss anything and mess up.
Depending on all the data you get, you can know what people are more interested in to write about it, you can proceed to improve the content of your pages, improve the SEO onpage of your website to get more visits, etc.
The first thing you have to do to get it, if you don’t have it already, is to create a free account. You can do it by clicking on this link, at the top right you have the button to create a new account.
The first thing you need is to have a child theme of your theme, because if you insert the code directly into your main theme, it will be lost with every update that comes out and you will have to enter it manually lots of times.
Save the file, and you’re all set. From then on, all the traffic that your website receives should be registered, and without losing the code in each update because you have placed it in a child theme.